Yesterday I ate like shit. I usually allow myself one day per week to eat what I want even though I never feel good afterwards. What I ate yesterday represents a pretty standard day of what I'd eat if I'm not paying attention to my diet.
Here are the approximate calories for yesterday's food.
Chips & Queso 750
Coke 4x 8oz 388
IBC root beer 160
Apple x2 190
Chick fil a sandwich 440
Total: 1928
Cost: $31 (by comparison, this is roughly the amount of money it costs to buy fruits and vegetables for Emma and I for a full week)
Exercise: 1 hour of walking 369
The approximate amount of calories I burned just sitting around the house: 3326
The amount of sugar, carbs, etc from all that food outweigh the net calorie loss.
So, yeah, that's hardly a healthy diet. My main difficulties in the weeks ahead will definitely be portion control and food choice. It's too easy for me to rationalize eating unhealthy on the weekends. I do well most weekdays, but when the weekend comes all bets are off. My portion control is bad as well. If it's in front of me I'll eat it. I've adopted some techniques to help deal with portion control, but they require me to really think about what I'm doing an not just operate on auto-pilot.
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